Java Burn Disclaimer


Content on the website and products for sale are based solely on the opinion of the author and provided "AS IS" or "AS AVAILABLE".
When searching for health information, you should confirm any information by checking with other sources. You should also discuss the information with your professional healthcare provider before using the protocols on this site or in the product.
The author or Click bank are not rendering professional medical services or advice through this website or the product. Neither is the information intended to replace the advice of a licensed physician or healthcare provider.
The sale of this item by Click Bank should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the views or advice expressed by the author.

Copyright, licenses and idea submissions.

All contents on the Site are protected under international copyright laws and trademark laws.
Perfect Uric or its affiliates, as well as third-party licensors, are the owners of copyrights and marks.
You may not modify, copy, reproduce, redistribute, upload, post, transmit, or distribute, in any way, the material on the site, including text, graphics, code, and/or software.
You may print or download material from different areas of the Site for your personal, non-commercial use. However, you must not alter or remove any copyright notices or proprietary information.
You agree to grant Perfect Uric an non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license with the right of sub-license to reproduce, distribute and transmit any materials or other information, including ideas for new products or services, that you submit in public areas of the site (such as forums, bulletin boards and newsgroups), or via email to Perfect Uric, by any means or media currently known or later developed.
Perfect Uric also has the right to use the name you provide in conjunction with any materials or other information submitted, as well as all marketing and promotional materials related to the same.
You agree to waive any claim against Perfect Uric if you believe that your communications with Perfect Uric have been infringed or misappropriated by Perfect Uric.

Use the Site.

Perfect Uric is not responsible for any information or products on the Internet.
All information, services and products offered on the Site, or the Internet in general, are provided by third-parties, who are not affiliated with Perfect Uric.
Perfect Uric does not and cannot guarantee that the files that can be downloaded through the Site are free from infection, viruses, worms or Trojan horses, or any other code with contaminating properties.
It is your responsibility to implement sufficient procedures and checkpoints that meet your specific requirements for data input and output accuracy, and to maintain a method external to the site for the recovery of lost data.


You agree to indemnify Perfect Uric and its officers, directors and employees as well as any third-party information providers from and against any losses, expenses, damage and costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from any violations of this Agreement by you or anyone else accessing the Service.

Third Party Rights

Perfect Uric, its officers, directors and employees, as well as any third-party information providers, will benefit from the provisions in paragraphs 2 and 3 (Use Of The Service) and indemnification.
These individuals and entities have the right, on their own behalf, to assert these provisions against you.